With Educfinance, it has never been easier to manage your finances.Keeping your budget close is the best way to stay in control of your money. Our application is therefore available on mobile, tablet and computer!In addition, you will NOT have to provide any banking information. It is important to us that we push to use our tool with confidence.Now how can we help you achieve your financial freedom?Here, we reveal our 4 key ingredients (features):1) YOUR PROJECTSThis step is often the big forgotten part of the budget. Yet this is the most important! Without a goal in mind, its impossible to stay motivated. You will be allowed to dream big and, above all, to establish a concrete plan for each of your projects.2) YOUR BUDGETOne step at a time, well guide you to FINALLY get the big picture of your finances. You will quickly understand why simplicity is our watchword!3) YOUR CALENDARWith this tool, you can see the weeks cash inflows and outflows at a glance. Your daily life is already very busy: forget the late penalties by having a reminder to pay your credit card, your insurance or your phone bill!4) MONITORINGOnce youve budgeted, its important to keep track of it so you can reach your goals (remember, the super important first step). Add your new expense to one of the categories and have fun tracking your progress over time!So, are you ready to try our app for FREE?Dont hesitate to join our Facebook community of over 40,000 members: the Money group never sleeps!